Our achievements and successful projects:
- June 1 to November 30, 2018. “Productive life: market required skills for people with disabilities” supported by BEARR Trust Small Grants Scheme.
The project has short and long-term objectives:
1. To supply 16-35 year old people having mental and physical disabilities with market required skills;
2. To conduct a series of educational events aimed to empower people with disabilities with basic knowledge on human rights and legislation in spheres of labour.
3. Training people with disabilities for skills that are required by the labour market:
English language course, Hair stylist course, PC skills, Manicure
4. Professional realization of people with disabilities and enforcement of their right for work and employment.
The partners of the project:
• Chernihiv City Employment Centre;
• Chernihiv Region Youth Centre.
- July 2018. Within the framework of the Region Program "Youth of Chernihiv Region"in 2016-2020 the
project "Sun Circle" was implemented with the support of the Department of Family, Youth and Sports of Chernihiv Region State Administration. From July 1 to July 16, 2018 a tent camp for 35 participants took place in the scenic natural complex "Blue lakes" (Ripky district) with the national-patriotic program "Fern’s blossom".
- May 2018. A small project "Family Festival" Beregynya". ”Aratta” within the framework of the "Youth of Chernihiv City 2017-2020" Program, with the support of the Department of Family, Youth and Sports of Chernihiv City Council, held a small project "Family Festival" Beregynya ". It contributed to the formation of national consciousness, traditions, respect for family values, formation of the language culture, acquisition of skills and practical experience in painting of Easter eggs.
2016-2017. The Project ”Productive life!". "Aratta" started a project in partnership with Ukrainian Centre of Independent Political Research (UCIPR) and the Union of Working Samaritans Georgia (ASB-Georgia) in the frame of the project "Social services, joint efforts" supported by European Union. Day care groups for people with special needs are working in Chernihiv Charitable Organization "Aratta", where they receive assistance in self-care, getting food, they can attend classes with a specialist - rehabilitologist and creative workshops. Training of occupational therapy, group psychological trainings, workshops, individual counseling with a psychologist, and participation in Rehabilitation Theater "Dyvosad" are organized for the clients.
In this way, "Aratta" promotes positive changes in the lives of people with disabilities.

2016-2020. Project "A Step towards." The project was conducted within the Programme of the development of the civil society in Chernihiv. The aim is to enhance the socialization of young people with special needs; to contribute to the elimination of psychological barriers between healthy people and disabled via art therapy; promoting potential and contribution of people with disabilities in the development of society by creating a thematic booklet. Our organization offers a new method: organizing creative integrated teams for art- and theater-therapy for amateur acquiring of professional knowledge, abilities and skills. Young people with various diseases are involved together with healthy young people in our integration Theatre "Dyvosad". The Programme "Step towards" will help to change the emphasis in the interpretation of the concept of disability, where a social model will come first instead of a medical model, where a person and his/her personality is in the center.

February-march 2015. “The United Ukraine”. Chernihiv Region Charitable Organization ‘'Aratta’’ together with the foundation ‘’ProForKids’’ were organized the Programme “The United Ukraine” in February-March 2015, it was help for the refugees with kids from Donetsk and Luhansk regions. According to this Programme were bought food for 195 families, sanitary-hygienic items and diapers for 77 families. It was given money for buying medicine for the refugees’ kids.
Was conducted a number of creative workshops for decoupage and weaving for the children and their parents from 50 families. These creative works helped them to distract, to feel a joy of the communication and satisfaction from theirs works.

2014-2015 “Weekend project”. The aim: to organize a meaningful and useful leisure time for volunteers and families which are under care of "Aratta". Strengthening the spirit, help with physical and cognitive personality formation by visiting a swimming pool, sports complex "Sports-life", sport clinic institution, a theatre, a cinema, a planetarium and bowling. “Healthy Body – healthy Spirit!”
2013. Territory of success-2. The project was carried out from February till December 2013 financed by the Department on family and youth of Chernihiv City Council. During the first stage a meaningful leisure activities which was instrumental in forming a personality and development of the children and youth’s capabilities in Chernihiv town was organized, by the creation of favorable conditions of work for the Training center of Chernihiv region charitable organization “Aratta” for creative activity and exchange of experience was organized. The participants of project were children and young people from 6 to 35 years, from the most vulnerable layers of population, 220 persons. The amount of educational time for the groups was 320 hours. On the second stage of the project realizable measures were taken on the organization and conducting master classes, the lessons and trainings of the clubs’ participants, the purpose of which was to share the skills and knowledge with the peer group. A situation «Equal to equal» was created and the “young teachers” conducted lessons at schools ¹ 27, 10, Novo-Bilouska school and at «Aratta» (not less than 70 persons watched our presentations). The Theatrical studio «Divosad» participated in the International Festival of the Beautiful Theatres in Poland, where they took a prize place.

01.08.2013 until 31.06.2014 “From Chernihiv to Odesa: Community Contribution into Enforcement of the Right of a Child on Protection from Harmful Influences”. The Chernihiv Region Charitable Organization “Aratta” in cooperation with the Odesa Region Movement “Faith. Hope. Love” is implementing the project that is supported by the USA Embassy in Ukraine. Within the Project following activities will be accomplished:
• Training the trainers on primary prevention of drug abuse, HIV/AIDS and Crime among adolescents;
• Conducting prevention program, “Choice” for eight-graders in ten schools of Chernihiv and three schools of Odesa, as well for fifth-graders in three schools in Chernihiv;
• Carrying out seminars for educators on evidence based prevention;
• Arranging in Chernihiv and Odesa round tables on evidence based prevention;
• Development publications on evidence based prevention.
VK: http://vk.com/club43769842 (ãðóïà: „Âèá³ð”);
FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/choice2010/
(Prevention Program, CHOICE)

July 2012. International summer camp. In July 14-28 2013 was International
Summer Camp on the bank of the river Desna, in village Makoshino, Mena region.
The camp was a part of the program launched by the close cooperation between
students and teachers of Dover College from Great Britain and institutions of
the village Makoshino. A partner from Makoshino was a charity organization “Arartta”.
The camp program was interesting and varied. Clubs in groups with British
students: art and crafts, English language, Ukrainian language, first aid,
physical labor in the village. There were sports and competitions on the beach,
there were joint concerts and communication around the campfire. 80 children
from Makoshino and 20 children from families under the care of ChRCh "Aratta"
took part in the program of the camp.

2012-2013 year. “Weekend project”. The aim: to organize a meaningful and useful leisure time for volunteers and families which are under care of "Aratta". Strengthening the spirit, help with physical and cognitive personality formation by visiting a swimming pool, sports complex "Sports-life", sport clinic institution, a theatre, a cinema, a planetarium and bowling.
“Healthy Body – healthy Spirit!”

October 2010-2013. "Choice" is the program on prevention drug misuse, HIV/AIDS
and crime among adolescents. The Program is based on international and local
successful prevention experiences. In 2010/11 a pilot stage of the Choice was
conducted at three schools of the City of Chernihiv by the cadets of the
Chernihiv Law College of the Penitentiary Service of Ukraine. In 2011/12 the
Program was be carried out by students of the Chernihiv Pedagogical University
in five schools of Chernihiv. The experience of the cadets was taken into
consideration. In 2012/13 the CHOICE is conducted at ten schools of the City and
the team of trainers includes university students, Law College cadets and police
officers. «Aratta» provides organizational and logistical support to the Program.
- 2012. From February to December, with funding from the Department of Family and Youth Chernihiv of the City Council realized the project
"Territory of success." Leisure was organized, to contribute the formation and development of individual abilities of children and youth in Chernihiv by creating favorable conditions of Chernihiv Region Charity "Aratta" Training Center for positive creative activity and exchange. The participants of the project were children and young people from 6 to 35 years, who are the most vulnerable – 200 people. The total number of the study hours is 320 hours.

- July 2012. International summer camp. In July 15-30 2012 was International Summer Camp on the bank of the river Desna, in village Makoshino, Mena region. The camp was a part of the program launched by the close cooperation between students and teachers of Dover College from Great Britain and institutions of the village Makoshino. A partner from Makoshino was a charity organization “Arartta”. The camp program was interesting and varied. Clubs in groups with British students: art and crafts, English language, Ukrainian language, first aid, physical labor in the willage. There were sports and competitions on the beach, there were joint concerts and communication around the campfire. 60 children from Makoshino and 10 children from families under the care of ChRCh "Aratta" took part in the program of the camp.
- 2011, May. “Aratta” has purchased new building with the great support of our foreign friends and partners:
- a charity Stichting Netwerk-Chernigov from Zwolle, the Netherlands, which supports “Aratta” for 12 years already!
- charity association “Arattas Venner”, Horsens, Denmark.
More... http://www.gorod.cn.ua/news_30042.htm

- July, 2011 International Summer Camp was organized on the bank of the river Desna at the village Makoshino, Mena region. The camp was organized according to the program of close cooperation between pupils and teachers from Dover College, Great Britain and organizations of Makoshino.
Among mediators and partners were: District Charity in Makoshino – “Nashchadki Aratty”, charity “The British Humanitarian Aid” and Chernihiv Regional Charity “Aratta”.
The program of the camp was interesting and varied. There were lessons of English for groups of different level of knowledge, children learnt how to communicate in English, learnt new words, how to give the first aid on water and at home. There were friendly football matches, sport competitions and contests on the beach, common concerts and companionship near campfire. About 100 children from Makoshino and Chernihiv took part at the camp programme.

- 01. 05 - 01.12.2011 the project "Chernigov will be green", to the International Year of Forests ChRChO “Aratta” in partnership with the International Foundation for «Global Aid» to carry out which will be implemented with the financial support of the Democracy Fund at the U.S. Embassy. The project will conduct a series of public events aimed at drawing attention to the condition of urban forests: Kordivky and Yalivschyny, which is planned involving broad community of Chernigov.
- 01.01 - 31.12.2011 “Parent’s voice” project aimed at improvement of life quality of families with visually impaired children by means of establishment of public parents’ organization. Project is realized by Chernihiv Regional Charity “Aratta” under financial support of MATRA program, Embassy of Kingdom of the Netherlands in Ukraine.
1998-2011 – 1
200 000 ton of humanitarian aid was distributed in Chernihiv region among the needy.
- 2010, may. Performer: Chernihiv regional charity “Aratta”
Participants: Six families from public organization “Family”, public organization “Euroclub”, Chernihiv Region Charity “Aratta”
Partners: City Family and Youth Department, public organization “Novy Chernihiv”, open joint-stock company “Strila” enterprise “Nasha bulochka”, Kotsyubynsky museum.
Date of event: May 2010
Place of event: Kotsyubynsky museum
Purpose of event: to strengthen a Ukrainian family status, to inspire participants to preserve Ukrainian traditions and cultural values, to share the experience between participants and with rising generation by means of “Ukrainian family talismans” festival involving 6 city families.

2009, from June 22 to July 4, ³n Makoshino village of Mena district, on the picturesque bank of the Desna river, Summer Ecological Family School was held for families of "Aratta’s” volunteers and children from needy families under the care of Chernigiv and Makoshino charitable organizations “Aratta”. It was holidays for 30 adults and 50 children. Sponsors and partners of the project are “British humanitarian aid” (England) and Chernihiv Region Administration on Family, Children and Youth Affairs.

- 2009 from 2.06 till 5.06 Youth Theatrical Studio “DYVOSAD” at ChRCh “Aratta” participated in the VII International Festivals of the Beautiful Theatres for the youth with special needs, which took place in Tschev city, Poland.

2009, from April 6 to 15, a group of 34 children from families under the care of Chernihiv Charity Organization “Aratta” spent their holidays in Denmark, to be precise in t.Horsens. They were invited by Danish Charity “Arattas Venner” (Friends of Aratta) under the leadership of Susanne Priesler. This was an unforgettable fairy-tale trip!

- Summer 2008,
“Our Land Aratta” project. In the frame of the project 12 coaches-senior pupils were prepared, they successfully conducted training course with the principle “Equal to equal” in Chernihiv “Aratta”, in the secondary school in village St.Bilous, in the three Aratta’s branches. The level of ecological consciousness of the youth of Chernihiv city and tree small towns of Chernihiv region has been raised. The public information awareness on the public society significance at the issue of improving of environmental situation on-site has been raised, and public position of youth and other people has become more active at 4 chosen communities. Ecological actions were organized locally.

“Alliance” project. June, 2008. 20 representatives of 7 NGOs of the city (the target group of each such NGO counts 50 to 130 people) have risen their professional level during the “Strategic Planning” training and by experience interchange.

- October-December, 2008 “Stari kazky na novyi lad” (Old Tales Refreshed) project is in the process of implementation. It is supported by Chernihiv City Family, Children and Youth Department. The objective of the project is the education and development of harmonious personality through the arrangement and work of "Creative Workshop".
- July, 2008 “Our own path” project, under the program "Matra/CAP” supported by the Netherlands Embassy in Ukraine. Socialization of young people with special needs, demolition of psychological barriers between able-boded and disabled people, furtherance of creative activity development of people with special needs, furtherance of interests satisfaction and skills development of young people by means of Youth Club arrangement and work. The Youth Club counts 7 groups of interest.

- Summer Family Ecological School “EcoHrad – 2001-2005”, ecological education and holidays for the members and supported families of “Aratta” on the Snov river bank.
- Support of initiative groups and groups of mutual help in towns of Chernihiv region. The result is the registration in the year
2003.of these initiative groups as independent non-governmental organizations in the district centres of Shchors, Gorodnya and Makoshyno village (Mena district)
- “Fabulous trip to the Kingdom of Denmark” – holidays for the children from the socially-unprotected families in Denmark in the years
2002, 2004, 2005 (30 children every year).
- “Tvoyi Kryla” (Your Wings), partners in the project of Centre of Humanistic Technologies “AHALAR” – development of innovative approaches to work with children with special needs (supported by the Institute of Sustainable Communities UCAN).

- “Assistance to the handicapped children”, started from January 2004, preparing of application forms and searching for foreign sponsors’ help for the handicapped and seriously-ill people (supported by the charities “British humanitarian Aid”, “Bear essential Aid” (Great Britain), “Aratat-Denmark” (Denmark)).
- “Ecodzvin” (Ecological bell), 2001-2005, ecological education of teenagers in Ecological Club of “Aratta” and in three districts of Chernihiv region (supported by the programme of Development of UNO according to Programme “Chernobyl unites”).
- “Together to the future”, a youth club works in Aratta since
September, 2005. The aim of the club is to prevent negative events among the teenagers in Chernihiv, supported by the Programme MATRA/KAP, Embassy. Of the Netherlands

- ““Z Goriha Zernya” (Nut from the nutshell), September 2005, It’s aim is to increase the social image of the families with many children of Chernihiv and to increase their activity (supported by the World bank according to the project “Voice of Publicity” with assistance of Chernihiv Regional Development Agency).
- Constant search and distribution of humanitarian aid among the needy people, educational and medical establishments.
About 70 volunteers actively and successfully work in “Aratta”.