Chernihiv Region Charity
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On the 7 of April, 2015 the second seminar for vocational schools teachers took place in the Chernihiv Center for Professional Education. Among participants there were 21tearchers and professional mentors of the Center. The event was trained by Valeriy Ryabukha and Vadym Stroking, who represented the Chernihiv Prevention Center, “Choice” and the Chernihiv Region Charity, “Aratta” . The trainees listened to PPP on Evidence Based Prevention, enjoyed games and other interactive activities. Two short documentaries screened by the Center were demonstrated. The goals of the seminar were to spread evidence based approach in prevention and conduct needs assessment in such prevention. The training was supported by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime within a grant program of the Drug Abuse Prevention Center financed by the Government of Japan.