Chernihiv Region Charity



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April, 22, 2013
Education Department Round Table

On the 22 of April 2013 a round table “Evidence Based Prevention Experience in Chernihiv Schools” took place at school #14 of the City of Chernihiv. Among participants there were deputy principals of Chernihiv schools responsible for upbringing students, representatives from the City Education Department, Chernihiv Pedagogical University, and School #14. Participants received information on conducting Program CHOICE in 2012-2013 academic year, including presentation of Valeriy Ryabukha, Project Manager of Chernihiv Region Charity “Aratta”; Olexandr Zhuk, Lecturer for the Pedagogical University, Natalia Shalyhina, class teacher of the 8-A grade of school #14, where CHOICE was conducted.

School representatives filled in questionnaire on CHOICE results and future. For the question on relevance of CHOIC conducting at schools, 25 respondents (80%) out of 30 responded that it would be necessary and 5 people (20%) said it would be relevant. For the issue of “Would you like the CHOICE to be conducted at your school in 2013-2014?” 27 respondents answered “Yes” and pointed numbers of their schools. Three school representatives (10%) refrained from any answer. The survey was performed anonymously.Substance Abuse Prevention Program, CHOICE, is supported by the US Embassy in Ukraine.