Chernihiv Region Charity



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To save for the future generation

All citizens and guests of Chernihiv are delighted with the historical sights of the city on the Desna river. Chernihiv is the only city in Ukraine where so many sights from the Domonhol period have been saved. Boldina Hill has the biggest collection of pagan burial mounds in Eastern Europe. It also has the ancient Ilinska church and Anthony Caves. This is known as the National historico – architectural preserve called “Ancient Chernihiv”.

The ecological club “Dzvinochok”, working in the Chernihiv Region Charity “Aratta” works at the ecological project “Ecodzvin” during the year 2004-2005. It’s purpose is to preserve the beauty of our city, its historical sights, to raise the level of environmental education in teenagers and to bring up children to look after the relics of the past. There was a “round table” in Aratta on September 30th 2005 to discuss this project. There were representatives from state and public organizations who took part in the “round table”. The director of the ecological club Valentyna Sedyachko said the people who came to the “round table” were not indifferent to the problems of our city. The purpose of the “round table” was to outline the problems concerning Boldina Hill. Valentyna also said what had already been done in that direction. Between April and July 2005 the ecological club “Dzvinochok” managed to draw to the partnership a fund from the Netherlands called “DUN” and the centre “Unity”.
Thanks to these partnerships the project “Boldina Hill” has been fulfilled. Children who participate in the club tided up the territory of Boldina Hill, planted oak-trees and shrubs. The ecological club has also issued a booklet.

The director of the Anthony caves Volodymyr Rudenok said that Boldina Hill needs to be saved. Boldina Hill is a favourite place where the people of Chernihiv go and relax. It is also often visited by tourists and foreigners. Plants and shrubs need to be planted to prevent water and mud slides eroding Boldina Hill.
Boldina Hill needs to be protected from vandalism. Drunk young people don’t respect any of these holy things. They tear off the star from the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, tear down the fences from the tombs and break the lights.
Gerard Kuznetsov, a citizen of Chernihiv, says: “Boldina Hill is valued for the many rare species of trees that grow there. Boldina Hill has always been known for its ancient oaks. Only four of them are left. If we don’t change our barbarian attitude to the oaks we will loose them all”.
Representatives of the authorities also attended the “round table” and together we worked out a way of preserving the historical sights of our ancient city. Oleksandr Serdyuk, the deputy governor made clear that the local authorities are not indifferent to these problems. We need to make the plan of reconstruction of Boldina Hill.
We are happy to admit that the good action started by “Aratta” have united state and public organizations, the authorities and the mass media for the sake of preserving the beauty of Chernihiv for future generations.